Babysitting will be available, at no cost, for the entire length of the PTA meeting with only a few rules...
- Kids must have fun and hopefully enjoy some engaging games our babysitters have planned.
- There may be a movie playing. If you have any concerns about the appropriateness of this movie you do not have to have your child remain in the babysitting room, rather let your children sit along side you in the meeting.
- We ask that no food be sent in with children - due to possible allergies.
- Electronic Devices ARE allowed - ipads, iphones, chrome books, bring them all. Please clearly label them so that there is no confusion. Navesink PTA is not responsible for lost or damaged devices.
- Parent/guardian must be present in the meeting throughout the time your child is in babysitting.
- You must complete the waiver before leaving your child in babysitting.